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Earth Day 2022 Sponsors
and Partners



After 31 years of promoting a clean, healthy, prosperous
environment for San Diego, the annual
San Diego EarthWorks'

has been

EarthFair 2022 was the last.
The key reason is that recent dramatic increases in production costs
(some due to COVID) were more than we could raise in
exhibitor fees and sponsorships

San Diego EarthWorks will continue
as a non-profit environmental organization

Check the links below to see what's next.
If you want to help support our transition,
please make a donation

In coming months, we will present web pages
EarthFair's 31 years,
6,747 volunteers who produced it,
3,374 exhibitors who participated,
and the estimated
1-1/2 million San Diegans who attended

A Project of San Diego EarthWorks

Trees are an important part of our environment, in urban areas no less than in the wild. Clean air, clean water, carbon sequestration, shade, temperature control, increased property value, and wildlife habitat are a few of their benefits. Many urban areas - like San Diego - have policies preserving, protecting and encouraging the planting and growth of trees. Everyone loves trees, right?

So, why are trees in trouble? Why are urban forests shrinking instead of growing? Why would majestic 50-year-old trees lining a public sidewalk be leveled to the ground? Why are new street center dividers mostly concrete and asphalt instead of tree planters? Why not fill those empty spaces with green?

Well, not everyone loves every tree. That spectacular tree in your neighbor's yard might be a maintenance nuisance in yours. A tree might be legally protected, but the guy with a chain saw might not know that. The city might love trees, but not love the expense of taking care of them.

Advocates are needed to speak for the trees, especially in urban areas. TreeWatch is a neighborhood-based, community-science volunteer program to involve residents in identifying and protecting their local city trees and contributing to implementing the City’s Climate Action Plan.

To find out more, please visit the TreeWatch Website



San Diego EarthWorks is a network
of volunteers in service
for a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future for all living things.

Can you make a donation help keep EarthWorks alive?
Just click here to get started.



 email: info22earthdayweb.org • Phone: (858) 272-7370
San Diego EarthWorks • PO Box 9827 • San Diego, CA 92169